Free Shipping on orders over $150 within Canada and $250 to USA.



    Contact Us


    Contact Us

    You can contact us on (902) 629-1260 between 10:00am-4:00pm Monday - Thursday and 10:00am-5:00pm on Friday and Saturday.

    This is the number of our retail store so we will be in a perfect position to answer any queries you may have regarding shipping, sizing or any other subject.

    Outside of our opening hours you can send an email to Every customer inquiry is important to us, and we will strive to have your questions or concerns resolved as promptly as possible - usually within 24 hours.

    Lastly, please have a browse of our social media pages where you can learn a bit more about what Eastwood Ave. Menswear has to offer, what our interests are, and what latest products have arrived.

    Opening Hours

    Mon - Sat: 10:00am - 5:00pm
    Sun: 12:00am - 5:00pm


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